Hi mama, my name is Amanda and I am the CEO of SocialMama, this wonderful app that connects like-minded moms for friendship and support. When I had my son, Leo, I wish SocialMama had existed so that I could have avoided a rookie, first-time mom mistake...bringing a MASSIVE suitcase to the hospital.

I literally packed for a three week Fiji spa vacation to give birth. Let me tell you, I used nothing that I brought. Not the special relaxation candles or my makeup, it was all a waste. The reality is, this is a hospital and they have what you need to give birth. You can skip all the fancy “first time pictures” - take them when you get home! Just enjoy this experience and rest as much as you can, instead of giving yourself a fancy blowout for that perfect Instagram photo.
When packing, what you really need are the basics: toiletries, clothes, and the stuff for going home (like a car seat). I sat down with some of the Experts from SocialMama and got the skinny on what you really need to pack in your bag for both a vaginal or C-section birth. Enjoy reading our simple hospital bag list, I hope it helps you have the most amazing birth experience ever. Good luck, mama! Oh! And to find a mom friend on a similar path or chat with Experts (ranging from family medicine to OBGYNs), join my app for FREE on the App Store or Google Play.
What Mama Needs to Pack for a Hospital Childbirth:
Comfy robe
Toiletries - shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, face wash, hairbrush
Hair ties/bobby pins
Nursing bras
2-3 comfortable outfits, plus a maxi dress or another comfortable outfit to wear home. **If you’re having a C-Section, add an extra day of clothing and toiletries because sometimes your hospital stay will be a bit longer.
Comfy underwear
Nipple cream
Pajamas (must be button up so you can breastfeed)
Yoga ball (for comfortable birth stretch positions)
What You’ll Need for Your Newborn:
Car seat
A few outfits or sleep sacks
Pacifiers (at least two)

What Dad Needs to Pack:
Toiletries (same as mom)
2-3 outfits
Long phone cord
Don’t Forget These Essentials:
Wallet with insurance card
Baby car seat
Hospital paperwork and birth plan
Snacks! You’ll be starving after all that hard work ;)
Bonus Tip: Bring a reusable grocery bag because you SHOULD take everything from the hospital room home with you. Those extra pads, extra nipple cream packets, you name it...it is yours, and you bring those nuggets of gold home with you!
Additions for COVID-19:
Several masks for each family member
Gloves (hospital might provide as well)
Hand sanitizer
Lysol wipes
The Hospital Will Provide:
Mesh underwear
Lactation gear
More masks
Ask your nurse for a belly binder if they don’t provide one, even if you didn’t have a c-section (you have no abs after birth).
Birth is a wild an incredible experience, so I hope this list helps you enjoy and relieves the stress of knowing what you'll need (and what you won't). You've got this, mama!